research opportunities
Prospective students and post-docs
New PhD and MSc positions coming soon in Fall 2024 and Winter 2025
In the Department of Biological Sciences at UQAM, there is a dynamic and highly collaborative team of 11 aquatic ecologists (GRIL-UQAM – Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Limnologie). There is huge potential for innovative collaborations in evolutionary, community and microbial ecology, biogeochemistry, and landscape ecology within the aquatic sciences.
If you are interested in joining my lab, I suggest reading a few of my recent papers in the area that interests you (see Research topics and Publications). I would also encourage you to read through the summaries of our ongoing projects (see Lab members). Once you have had a chance to think about how your interests mesh with mine, feel free to email me and we can discuss how you might fit into the lab. Please send me a CV and a transcript (could be unofficial at this stage) with your email.
Prospective students and post-doctoral fellows are strongly encouraged to apply for scholarships and fellowships.